Doctors_Strike_In_Nigeria2The Nigeria Medical Association (NMA) has demanded immediate reversal of the Federal Government’s directive terminating the appointment of resident doctors in all government hospitals.
At a media briefing in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory on Friday, the association directed all its members not to accept any letter terminating their appointment from the government.
The President of the association, Dr Kayode Obembe, asked medical doctors across the nation not to pick up locum appointment with government hospitals.
Obembe said: “NMA demands immediate withdrawal of the suspension circular and unconditional reinstatement of the so-called sacked resident doctors.
“Government should show commitment on her part in resolving the current impasse with the NMA rather than resorting to punitive measures that will only further aggravate the already deplorable situation.
“NMA condemns in totality the alleged presidential directive via the Federal Ministry of Health suspending Residency Training Programme in Nigeria,” the NMA President added.
He maintained that the association would not suspend its more-than-a-month old strike even if the government reinstated the sacked resident doctors, adding that the government must meet its “24-point demand”.
The President of NMA further said that the government’s stance would worsen the present industrial disharmony.
He urged all doctors to remain committed towards containing the Ebola outbreak, and advised the government to ensure that all persons under surveillance for Ebola Virus infection do not travel outside their domain of residence.
The medical association had on July 1 embarked on an indefinite strike after the government failed to meet its demands which include the stoppage of the appointment of non-doctors as directors and consultants.