Friday 15 August 2014

The University Management has approved the re-
opening of the
Portal for three[3]days, Wednesday 13th to Friday 15th
The re-opening was borne out of many complaints
received from
students ranging from wrongful upload of course
codes in some departments to errors in the
registration of some courses with compulsory and/or
elective status
in place of others at the beginning of
2013/2014Academic Session.
Students with such problems are enjoined to seize this
window of
opportunity available to make corrections and to access
“Add and Delete”Portal. Once corrections have been
made, students are to print-out their course registration
forms which are to be endorsed
by their respective Heads of Departments.
Also, in line with the reversal of school fees to the old
rate by the
Lagos State Government, students who are yet to
register for 2013/2014 Academic Session
are also enjoined to do so within this period.
Finally, Management is in conjunction with the State
Government looking into the cases of those who had
paid their
school fees and registered prior to the recent downward
The concerns of the affected students will be
addressed shortly. UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT


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