Ojibara, who has been accused of financial recklessness and other vices by the Association was impeached on Monday during an emergency meeting held at Bar Centre in llorin.
A statement signed by the Assistant Secretary of the Association, Mr Yahaya Alajo, after the meeting, said the impeachment of the Chairman was approved at a general meeting attended by over 50 Members.
The statement stated that the motion for the impeachment was moved by 16 members and seconded by 18 members which was not oppose by any member, including the impeached Chairman who attended the meeting.
It statement said that since the impeached Chairman has refused to react to allegation of financial recklessness, abuse of office and subversion of the Association’s bye law, Ojibara remained impeached by the Association
The statement expressed optimism that the impeachment of the Chairman would bring peace and sanity to the llorin branch of the Association.
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