Saturday, 2 August 2014
 Our recent post where we gives a report of people affected with the Deadly Ebola Virus Disease in Lagos, this disease is said to have no cure for now and it kills faster than the known HIV/AIDS.

What is Ebola Virus Diseases?
Ebola disease—also called Ebola hemorrhagic fever or Ebola fever and it was first recorded in an Outbreak in 1976 in Rebublic of Congo (then Zaire) and Sudan where 284 were infected and 151 human death was recorded due to this deadly disease. Ebola was named after the Ebola River which is in Zaire where it first originated.
Ebola Virus Disease has no cure yet and it is easy to be contracted, therefore we have to be very careful as it is now recorded in Lagos.

What are the CAUSES or WAYS of Contracting this Deadly Ebola Disease?
 Our findings and research has made us believe that our day to day activities which if unknowingly make us get in contact with an infected Ebola victim.
Ebola Virus Disease is transmitted majorly through direct contact with an infected victim.
One of this kind of direct contact is making love. Unlike HIV/AIDS and other STDs which can be protected by using some rubbers.. Ebola will still be transmitted once you have the direct contact with the victim.
There are other surprising way which is using same blood or sharp objects with an infected person.

Monkeys and gorillas can contract this disease called Ebola Virus Disease and since direct contact with a victim can lead to having this disease, then you should beware of this monkeys and gorrilla in your nearest zoos.. :) It is not funny though. Health is wealth and all this little things are what is killing us.
Touching a Deceased Ebola's victim
 Ebola Virus is a very dangerous and easy to contact disease, though still rare in Nigeria but this way to get it is a common tradition in Nigeria which touching a deceased ebola victim.
Most times, some people die and we don't even know what kills them, so to pay the last respect to them, we get closer to the corpse during the burial ceremony and touch their corpse. This can be very bad as Ebola can be transmitted via this way if the corpse is an Ebola Virus carrier before his/her death.
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is known to be contacted major by exposure to the body fluid or sweat of the affected person.
This gives it possibility of contacting it through sharing of same bathing Sponge with an affected person.
It is unhygienic using same sponge, so try and get your personal sponge to avoid some other skin diseases apart from EVD.

 Unlike some deadly diseases caused by virus which we know such as HIV and other related STD diseases, Ebola Virus disease can be contacted by just kissing the affected person. Oh No! That is seriously bad.
It is highly not hygienic for a Medical doctor to treat a patience without using gloves. Also using same glove for different patients can cause a great pandemonium in a hospital where disease like Ebola Virus is being treated.
In case you are sick and you are bed in the hospital, and that Quack doctor want to treat you without a glove, kindly reject the treatment, I will advice you even get a pack of gloves by your side so they can use in treating you personally.

Using same needle is the fastest way to to get infected and contact virus related diseases. Ebola Virus Disease is one of those you can get through needles.

Like every other virus diseases, Ebola Virus Diseases can also be contacted through the use of Hair Clipper from public barbing salon.
You are advised to have your own hair clipper to avoid carrying diseases that dont belong to you.
Ebola Virus as deadly as it is can be contacted through blood transmission or blood contact with an infected person. 

There is some evidence that the Ebola virus can be spread through the air from nonhuman primate to nonhuman primate, such as monkey-to-monkey, in research facilities.

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