Ebola NBAThe outbreak of Ebola disease has prompted various organizations to join the campaign to promote the washing of hands and the need to pay attention to personal hygiene.
Ahead of the Nigeria Bar Association (NBA) Conference, the President of the Association, Mr Okay Wali, educated lawyers on the need to ensure that proper hygiene should be  maintained during the conference as delegates prepare to attend the 54th conference of the Nigerian Bar Association.
The leadership of the association gave the advice in view of the outbreak of Ebola virus in the country. He assured members that adequate measures have been put in place to safeguard delegates.
The association has, however, urged the Nigerian Medical Association and the Federal Government to sheath their swords in view of the seriousness of the disease and the need for all hands to be on deck to fight the disease
Elsewhere, the Ministry of Water Resources has also launched the campaign for personal hygiene as a means to prevent the spread of the Ebola virus.