Friday 25 July 2014

Whenever you have weak, visionless and feckless leader; you cannot but have this kind of problem we are currently experiencing in Idomaland.
The Idoma nation that our founding fathers laboured to build with their blood and tears has no doubt being reduced to nothing in our own very eyes by some cowards masquerading under the guise of religion to perpetrate evil and unleash terror on the land.
Many have in the recent times been sent to their early graves by the devil-sent Fulani Herdsmen in Idomaland. Since the era of native authority in 1920, Idoma nation has been known for peace and has being enjoying absolute tranquility until recently when things fell apart and the centre could no longer hold.
This land, flowing with milk and honey for both her indigenes and non-indigenes alike has been disvirgined with blood of innocent citizens. The real amity has gradually washed down the tunnel, just as fortunes and good life of our dear land have been swept into the archive of history.
Agatu massacre is something we cannot forget in a hurry as the displaced persons are still returning home while those injured are still recuperating on the hospital beds. It was a scene of horror beyond all exaggeration! Many were killed, thousands injured and property worth millions completely annihilated. Some that escaped with the skin of their teeth are still afraid to return home. Anarchy is the word.
Agatu is now a shadow of self. It was a season of glory for dogs and scavengers in Agatu then as you could see them feasting visibly on the decomposed bodies of the victims, thus performing the post-mortem in open mortuary.
But unlike the case of ‘No coffin No grave’ everybody was busy running for their life. So it was a case of “let the dead bury their dead”.
They were abandoned by the security operatives to drink from the wrath cup of their attackers. The few troops deployed to calm the situation were nowhere near the main troubled communities as the main route in which the herdsmen pass through to lunch attack was constantly opened. Each time they visit, they kill, destroy and rape the innocent villagers who were no match for them to battle. Agatu people only know how to handle fishing and farming implements.
Shortly after peace and sanity are returning to Agatu communities, Fulani herdsmen again literarily relocated to Owukpa with their violence train to kill, steal and to destroy. When the youths saw no sign of security agencies to save their land, they have to give their best fight, they went for diabolic means to protect themselves but all failed as the youth leader simply identified as OGBADA OGBODO could not live to see the end of the battle.
He was gunned down by the very medicine man preparing him for battle. Oh the power failed. But Ogbada, you would be forever remembered for your love and gallant step to free your people from reign of terror. You shall be immortalized in our hearts. Oh Idoma where are your generals? You have them many in the military. Others are in the ministry and top government parastatals. They are in the high decision making positions; capable of influencing the government for our safety and security. They have failed us. How are the mighty fallen! The mighty has fallen from the pinnacle of dignity and integrity to the valley of shame and disappointment like the common man before his enemy. How long would Idoma people keep running from their fatherland for the fear of the unknown! Farming is our pride; we have being enjoying the distinction status as the Food Basket of the Nation. Farmers and herdsmen can never be friends, as no farmer would ever fold his arms and watch while Fulani cattle graze freely on his crops like mere green grass and consuming his hard earned farm produce stored in the barns. The lasting solution is to chase them far and forever from our dear land. But by who? Why our leaders are quiet? Where are our generals? Are these evil-minded people being motivated by any? And of what benefit? Are there some unseen hands fuelling this rebellion? Are the mouths of our traditional rulers sealed with mouth-watering gifts? These are some of the numerous questions on the lips of some concerned and depressed Idoma people begging for answers!
I ask again, Idoma where are your generals?

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